N1YKT has stood up another new repeater. Per his graciousness he desired to link it in with us on the W4MSI Repeater System. We are pleased to report that it is active and the links are up. You can find info on the repeater/link below. It offers much needed coverage in the Hopkinsville, KY area, especially downtown. It has Echolink connectivity as well as a YSF Reflector that is dedicated to the repeater (DVSwitch is in play to do the conversions between digital and analog) and his MMDVM repeater in Hopkinsville will also be permanently connected to the YSF reflector. Keep in mind that the MMDVM repeater is multimode and not all modes will be linked with us, ONLY the YSF side. And of course it has it’s own AllStar Link connectivity.
A big thanks to Johnny, N1YKT for his work and efforts in Christian County.
Hopkinsville, KY — N1YKT — 442.650 (+) PL 192.8 — AllStar 62312 — Echolink N1YKT-L — YSF #42450
***Honorable Mention*** Hopkinsville, KY — N1YKT — 442.450 MMDVM YSF Mode is connected to #42450 and thereby is a YSF Repeater access option for the W4MSI Repeater System.
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